By Susan Atkinson
Ayurveda is the oldest traditional healing system practiced in India and the most comprehensive holistic healing system in the world. This amcient knowledge was given to mankind more than 5000 years ago by sages and seers for the well being of humans. Ayurveda is the traditional health science of India. It is considered to be the oldest branch of medicine in the whole world.
Like astrologic writings, Ayurveda writings contain long lists supported physical and mental characteristics of each constitutional type. Through various combinations of vata, pitta, and kapha, ten body type are possible.
Ayurveda sees each person as an individual with a different internal balance of energy called one’s constitution. Understanding person’s constitution allows the Clinical Ayurveda Specialist (a certified practitioner of the science of Ayurveda), to set up a program of care specific for that individual.
A person’s constitution stays the same throughout the person’s lifetime, within reasonable ebb and flow of the Elements is a flowing entity, rather than static entity. Only our physio-psychological aspects change in our live, and, as well, our personal choices. Our skin may be dehydrated, oily, acne prone, or subjected to occasional or frequent rashes, depending on our constitutional type. As we age, most of us are aware that our skin just doesn’t look as good as it could-doesn’t have a glow to it. The majority of Ayurveda medicines are not mass produced, as Ayurveda treatment is based on the premise that every person has an individualized constitution and medicines have to be tailored to suit the individual. According to Ayurveda the human body comprises of 3 constituents known as the “Tridoshas”.
The ancient science of Ayurveda is an ancient philosophy based on Eastern ideas about the body and the mind. Ayurveda teaches that each individual has the power to heal themselves, and that diet should be based upon each person’s unique constitution. India is the land of Ayurveda - the ancient philosophy that has cured ailments from blood pressure to migraines to depression for centuries. Now the world is waking up to the succor of these alternative therapies. Like chi in Chinesse philosophy, ojas is the force that makes us feel happy and alive. Responsible for wellness, harmony and spiritual growth, it makes our eyes shine and puts a spring in our step.
Ayurvedic medicine gets rid the body of its indigestible toxins which attract viruses and compromise autoimmune processes and responses. Ayurvedic physicians pay close attention to pulse, tongue, eyes and nails in diagnosing illness. Ayurvedic approach includes the judicious use of medicinal herbs, minerals, spirituality and yoga. Ayurveda operates on the precept that various materials of vegetables, animal and mineral origin have some medicinal value. The medicinal properties of these materials have been documented by the practitioners and have been used for centuries to cure illness and/or help sustain good health.
Don’t be surprised if you begin to view mornings in a new light. In treating the mind, we must remember this greater Vedic view that our true being and awareness transcends both body and minds. The purpose of Yoga and Ayurveda is not just mental harmony but bringing the mind to a tranquil condition so that the light of the higher Self can come through the mind. the five elements Vata, Pitta and Kapha lead to simple and natural view of Nature. it is powerful user-interface to the biocomputer of our body.
Ayurveda di Indonesia dapat dijumpai pada serangkaian produk dari K-Link, sebuah perusahaan multi level marketing. Ayurveda K-Link ada beberapa jenis yakni :
- K-Ayuverda Ayuartis, suatu produk kombinasi herbal untuk meringankan nyeri dan mengurangi peradangan pada sendi. Menguatkan jaringan sendi dan tulang.
- K-Ayuverda Ayuasmo, untuk membantu menyeimbangkan dan merangsang kerja paru-paru dan membantu system pernafasan bagi penderita asma dan alergi.
- K-Ayuverda Ayubes, untuk diabetes, menurunkan kadar gula darah, memperkuat fungsi hati dan pancreas.
- K-Ayuverda Ayuderma, adalah kapsul herbal untuk menghilangan beberapa masalah kulit. Membantu menghilangkan jerawat, kadas, prosiaris, gatal-gatal, alergi dan masalah kulit lainnya.
- K-Ayuverda Ayulax, berfungsi membersihkan usus besar, membuang zat toksin dari usus besar.
- K-Ayuverda Aulite, untuk melindungi, mengatur dan membantu menguatkan fungsi hati, nutrisi yang tepat untuk hati.
- K-Ayuverda Ayurin Plus
- K-Ayuverda Ayurhoids
- K-Ayuverda Ayuvigo
- K-Ayuverda Ayuvita
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(willy cw)
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